Subjects Offered At Anzway
Following are the subjects being offered by Anzway. Your success is based on study plan according to your personality, envrionment, and hobbies. We just sharpen your learning and concept reinforcement through specially designed lectures and assignments. On an average six hours per week class require just 10 hours per week backup support from the student.
A-Level Accounting
Lecture: Chapter 10
Teacher: Sir Azhar Nazir
A-Level Business
Lecture: Chapter 10
Teacher: Sir Azhar Nazir
A-Level Sociology
Lecture: Chapter 10
Teacher: Sir Azhar Nazir
A-Level Economics
Lecture: Chapter 10
Teacher: Sir Azhar Nazir
Need Support? Contact Anzway
For any queries, feel free to contact us! Our team would be happy to assist you in every possible way. You should expect to receive a response from us within 24 hours.